Обзор на Витграсс, Raw Organic Wheatgrass Juice Powder Lemon, 164

Dr. Berg, Raw Organic Wheatgrass Juice Powder Lemon

Обзор на Витграсс, Raw Organic Wheatgrass Juice Powder Lemon, 164 г

Dr. Berg, Raw Organic Wheatgrass Juice Powder Lemon
Наш порошок сока ростков пшеницы очень богат питательными веществами. Его выращивают на почвах, которые когда-то были древним морским дном в штате Юта. Эти почвы обычно богаты минералами и микроэлементами. Он темно-зеленый, живой и очень ароматный. Вы заметите разницу между этим порошком сока ростков пшеницы по его темно-зеленому цвету, успокаивающему вкусу и ароматному запаху.

Вы хотите есть овощи, но это раздражающе сложно. Овощи невкусные, готовятся слишком долго и стоят дорого. Теперь появился концентрированный овощной сок, наполненный антиоксидантами и питательными веществами, которые помогут вам оставаться сильными и здоровыми. Почему это намного лучше? Он выращен на самой богатой почве Северной Америки.

Форма: Порошок

Размер порции: 1 мерная ложка (2,7 г).

Порций в контейнере: 60

Рекомендации по применению: В качестве пищевой добавки растворите одну мерную ложку (2,7 г) в стакане воды или смузи объемом 8 унций. Не запивайте горячими жидкостями, поскольку тепло нейтрализует активные ферменты. Рекомендуется ежедневно натощак (за 20 минут до или через 2 часа после еды).


Сумма на порцию % дневной ценности
Калории из жира0
Всего жиров0 г
Насыщенный жир0 г
Холестерин0 г
Всего углеводов1 г
Белок1 г

Проценты дневной нормы основаны на диете в 2000 калорий.

Суточная доза не определена.

Запатентованная органическая смесь ростков пшеницы: порошок органического сока ростков пшеницы ( Triticum aestivum ) и порошок сока ростков пшеницы органического бренда KAMUT.


Органический натуральный ароматизатор лимона и лайма, органическая стевия Reb A.


«Оно очень вкусное , а я добавляю только воды».


Истощенные почвы могут снижать содержание питательных веществ в овощах. Вместо того, чтобы позволять дефициту питательных веществ подвергать вас болезням, используйте наш порошок ростков пшеницы вместо зелени. Это высококачественный источник всех полезных для здоровья питательных веществ, созданный матерью-природой.

“From day 1, I can tell the difference, feeling peaceful yet energetic.”


Wheatgrass is a potent superfood and probably one of the most nutritious things you can consume.

It is made up of 70% chlorophyll, a pigment that has many health benefits in the body. In fact, it is the substance that gives plants their green color. Wheatgrass also contains other healthy nutrients like:

All of these nutrients play crucial roles in a healthy body. And they are the reason why your mother told you to eat your greens.

What your mom didn’t know is that wheatgrass powder is the fastest, cheapest, and highest-quality way to eat your greens.

You get all the nutrients that support your body’s natural healing mechanisms and promote constant good health. Wheatgrass juice powder is the most effective and easiest way to take advantage of this nutritional powerhouse. You give yourself an incredible amount of nutrition in a convenient package.


While most people still don’t know about wheatgrass, different brands have emerged. You could even try making your own wheatgrass juice or buying concentrated shots at the grocery store.

Those choices can take a lot of work, be a hassle, taste bad, and be expensive.

Besides, depending on where the wheatgrass is grown, it might even be depleted in nutrients.

That does NOT mean you shouldn’t go for one of the world’s most concentrated vegetables. Our Wheatgrass Powder was created to give you all the amazing benefits of wheatgrass without any hassle.

1. Highly concentrated. This product is NOT just wheatgrass powder, as many other products are. You’re about to be rejuvenated by wheatgrass juice powder, meaning the end product is a lot more concentrated than much of the competition. It’s like eating an orange versus drinking a carton of orange juice.

One serving of Dr. Berg Organic Raw Wheatgrass Juice Powder = 1 whole tray of wheatgrass = 13 servings of wheatgrass juice

2. Superior phytonutrient levels. According to third-party independent lab testing results, Dr. Berg Organic Raw Wheatgrass Juice Powder contains higher levels of the phytonutrients chlorophyll, carotenoids, and zeaxanthin compared to the top three competing products in the marketplace. That means you get more antioxidants that heal and protect you from future illness.

3. Untouched powerful nutrients. The nutrition in grocery store vegetables can be depleted if they are grown in poor soil. Our wheatgrass is grown in rich soils of an ancient seabed in Utah’s West Desert. You get peak nutritional content because no one has ever farmed there.

4. BioActive Dehydration. A unique freeze-drying method called BioActive Dehydration never exceeds 106° F (41° C) and is only above body temperature (98.6° F or 37° C) for less than 2 minutes. This keeps nutrients intact and as close to freshly squeezed juice as possible. There is essentially no change in flavor, color, aroma, enzymes, or nutrition.

5. Pure ingredients. This product contains no sugar, salt, starch, yeast, corn, soy, milk, egg, shellfish, or preservatives. No additives, no carriers, just plain wheatgrass juice powder that is completely organic and raw.

6. Convenient and affordable. When you are on the go, it can be almost impossible to eat vegetables. Getting a daily “green” shake can get extremely expensive. Organic Raw Wheatgrass Juice Powder is hassle-free to consume and costs pennies compared to buying greens. Comprehensive vegetable nutrition costs just 73 cents per serving.

7. Tastes great! This product has a smooth flavor that mixes refreshing lemon with a hint of sweetness. Stevia sweetener prevents blood sugar spikes.

8. Contains KAMUT. Kamut is an ancient grain that supplements wheatgrass with even more protein and selenium than our regular wheatgrass. It makes a superfood even healthier.


Wheatgrass is the easiest way to make sure you are getting your daily vegetable servings. Key nutrients are typically scattered across different vegetables. Wheatgrass is one of the few superfoods that gives you a tremendous variety of nutrients in just one quick serving.

It’s nutritionally more diverse, tastes better, and is more affordable. It’s easier than spending all the time and money buying and cooking dozens of different vegetables. Finally, give your body the nutrients it’s been asking for.